Real Stories, Real Impact: Moments That Matter

“Could I have an extra book?”

As the students were packing up, one young girl approached me with a request I’d never heard before. She eagerly asked “Could I have an extra Write Your Life (WYL) book for my sister?” She was so excited about the lessons and prompts in the book that she wanted to share the experience with her older sister who wasn’t in the class. This moment really captured the essence of what GOODLIFE is all about—students not only learning to navigate their own lives with more intention, but also feeling inspired to bring that growth to the people they love. How inspiring it is to see students embrace the opportunity to take ownership of their life and share the tools learned through GOODLIFE with their families! — Middle School Student

“You don’t even know me”

On the first day at a local junior high, Greg, a fired-up 7th grader, challenged my claim of caring for the class. "You don't even know me!" he shouted. "Right," I replied, extending a hand. "Let's change that. I care, and I'm excited to get to know you. Jolly Rancher, if you remember my name?" We laughed. I got to know Greg better over the next few weeks. He opened up about his home life, explaining that his parents were not around and that he was living with his grandparents. He had a tough life, but he was enjoying the weekly Jolly Ranchers and  GOODLIFE sessions. As time went on, he started coming to class on time, opened up more, and even toned down his "class clown" behavior. On my last day, he expressed his gratitude with a sincere "Thank you for caring." It was rewarding to see him go from doubting the care he received to fully feeling it. Being a GOODLIFE Guide is a truly fulfilling experience!

— Middle School Student

“It’s goodlife guy!”

POV: You walk into the stands of a high school football game. It's dark and you are bundled up with a hat and coat, thinking no one may notice. Then all of a sudden a percussion player from your 4th period stands up and shouts “It’s GOODLIFE GUY! He actually CAME!” The excitement ripples through the band section and they play their next tune a little happier knowing you showed up for a big moment. In the world of prevention, we often talk of Positive Childhood Experience (PCE) scores and aim to increase them. Seven things have been identified as increasing a person’s PCE score. Things like the ability to talk with your family about your feelings and feeling safe in your home are on the list. The one that stands out to me is this: “Have at least two non-parent adults who took genuine interest in you”That is our sweet spot as GOODLIFE Campus guides. Getting to be a non-parent adult who has the opportunity to look at a teenager in the eyes and say “I care about you and believe in the potential of your life.” When we are called “GOODLIFE Guy” or “GOODLIFE Girl,” we wear that title with honor, because it means we are recognized as caring adults in the lives of adolescents.

- Local GOODLIFE Guide